Resistance system – measuring devices

Resistance system – measuring devices


The tool intended for measuring and detecting conditions in pre-insulated heat distribution network with resistance alarm system BRANDES – LH – 20S

Method of presenting measurement information: alphanumeric display LCD 2 × 16 characters.
Measurement errors:
– Precision of resistance measurement in the range specified by MH:  ±5%,
– Precision of alarm loop resistance measurement: ±0,2%.
Power supply: 2×6F22(2 × 9V).
Range of working temperature: 5 ÷ 50°C.


Intended for moisture locations in the pre-insulated heat distribution networks with resistance alarm system – LP-10S

Length of controlled alarm loop: 3 ÷ 2000 m.
Resistance of controlled alarm loop: 16 ÷ 12000Ω.
Resistance of polyurethane insulation: <10MΩ (MH≤11),
Method of presenting the measurement result: digital LCD display.
Measurement range: 0÷100% length of controlled alarm loop.
Measurement resolution: 0,1%.
Moisture location error ± 1m / ± 0,1%.
Power supply: 2 × 6 F22.
Range of changes of working and storage temperatures: 5 ÷ 50°C.


An immobile detector used to control the technical condition of two sections of the pre-insulated heat distribution network with alarm system – LPS-2B

Total length of controlled heat distribution network: ≤2000 m.
Polyurethane insulation resistance measurement error: ±10%.
Power supply: 24V (4VA).


The device intended for automatic and continuous control of four sections of the heat distribution network in the resistance alarm system Brandes – MSP -1

Maximum number of controlled sections of the heat distribution network: 4.
Measurement ranges:
– MH: 1÷ 14 i 0,
– Insulation resistance between the sensing wire and steel pipe: 100Ω ÷ 50MΩ,
– Sensor loop resistance: 11 ÷ 5734Ω,
– Length of sensor loop resistance: 2 ÷ 1750 m,
– Leakage location: 2 ÷ 1750 m.
Power consumption: 16VA.


Intended to supervise two sections of the heat distribution network with alarm system Brandes – MHL – 200

Number of controlled sections of the pre-insulated heat distribution network: 2.
Biggest length of the controlled section of the heat distribution network: 2000 m.
Method of presenting measurement information: alphanumeric display 2 x 20 characters.
Humidity degree measurement range: MH1 ÷ 14 i 0.
Polyurethane insulation resistance measurement range: 0,2Ω ÷ 200MΩ.
Alarm loop resistance measurement range: 0 ÷ 12050Ω.
Precision of alarm loop resistance measurement: ±0,1%.
Supply voltage: 12V DC.
Range of working temperature: 5 ÷ 50°C.